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Gift a Tree

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Hi! Cat and Ian here. In 2020, we moved from a large city in the UK to the Lithuanian countryside, where we purchased an old rundown homestead. Our new home came complete with 1.5 hectares of land. Our goal is to dedicate at least 25% of the land to wildlife.

Rewilding plan.png

Rewilding Plan

Current wild areas
Areas to be rewilded


Vegetable patch

Food forest

The first step towards achieving that is planting native varieties of trees and shrubs, which would encourage a more diverse environment and create a habitat for the local fauna. We already have a meadow and a pond dedicated to wildlife. We are committed, now and going forward, to keep the rewilded areas protected and managed until they are completely established.

In addition to over 250 established native trees (including oak, birch, rowan, hawthorn, and linden), our goal for 2022 is to add 600 more. And perhaps we can even capture some carbon along the way! 

On average, the cost of planting one tree here is €4. This includes the cost of the sapling, as well as the cost of tree protection and transportation fees.

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